Jumat, 06 Maret 2020

How to Cook Tasty Blue Ocean Drink

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Blue Ocean Drink.

Blue Ocean Drink You can have Blue Ocean Drink using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Blue Ocean Drink

  1. It's Secukupnya of sirup orange squash (trgantung jenis gelas yg dipakai).
  2. It's 1 botol of pepsi blue (me big cole blueberry).
  3. Prepare secukupnya of selasih.
  4. You need Secukupnya of es batu.

Blue Ocean Drink instructions

  1. Tuang beberapa sendok orange squash dalam gelas (kira2 1/5 gelas).
  2. Masukkan batu es hingga penuh.
  3. Tuang pepsi blue perlahan lahan, supaya tidak tercampur orange squash.
  4. Beri selasih dan hidangkan.

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