Rabu, 13 November 2019

Recipe: Perfect Susu Pisang Sereal

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Susu Pisang Sereal.

Susu Pisang Sereal You can have Susu Pisang Sereal using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Susu Pisang Sereal

  1. You need 500 ml of susu UHT full cream low fat.
  2. It's 2 buah of pisang Sunpride.
  3. You need 100 gram of serealia coco loops.
  4. Prepare 10 bongkah of es batu kotak.

Susu Pisang Sereal step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan dalam wadah blender. Lumat hingga tercampur rata..
  2. Tuang dalam gelas. Taburi coco loops di atasnya. Siap disajikan. Jangan lupa diaduk karena serealnya lekas mengendap di bawah. Jika ingin lebih manis bisa ditambah madu..

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