Kamis, 18 Juli 2019

Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Wedhang Jahe

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Wedhang Jahe.

Wedhang Jahe You can have Wedhang Jahe using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Wedhang Jahe

  1. You need 2 ruas of jahe.
  2. Prepare 2 batang of serai.
  3. Prepare 2 ruas of kunyit.
  4. Prepare 1 sdm of madu.
  5. You need 500 ml of air.
  6. Prepare of Air lemon (sy skip).

Wedhang Jahe step by step

  1. Siapkn bahan.
  2. Cuci dan kupas, geprek.
  3. Rebus air hingga mendidih dan masukan jahe kunyit dan sereh.
  4. Saring dan tambah madu dan lemon.

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